Join Eric and Martin in our twelfth Episode where Eric and Martin talk about the implications a possible Brexit scenario could have for the car design industry especially in Britain and a previe...
Live from the Geneva International Motor Show Martin and Eric give you our grand review for one of the worlds best auto shows.
New year, new auto show season and a new episode of the GESTALTEN Podcast. In our first regular episode, Martin and Eric talk about the most recent changes in positions in the automobile industr...
The year is still fresh and we travelled to Detroit to attend the last first auto show of the year. While the show comes to a close, Eric and Martin take some time to review the past two days, a...
As 2018 is coming to a close and Christmas being just around the corner, Martin and Eric sit down and look back at an eventful year. In this episode, Eric and Martin crown their best and worst c...
Eric and Martin sit down at the show and give us a brief review of the exhibitiors, the cars that were unveiled and the show in general.
In Episode 10 of GESTALTEN Eric is back from his vacation and rejoins Martin on the show to finally quit bashing BMW, talk about new production cars, share their opinions on new concept cars and...
In our second special episode, Martin gets an in-depth explanation by Carlos Salaff on how to build his own supercar and a number of extra lessons of all the things Carlos learnt on his journey ...
In our first special episode, Byton's Quirin Friedl joins Martin to talk about the present and future augmented and virtual in automotive design.
In the 9th Episode of GESTALTEN, Martin and Eric review our visit to the Paris Motor Show, try not to bash BMW too much and give out insider knowledge to all design students among our audience.